So, we went camping over the weekend. It was pretty fun, except that I've decided that I don't like the rules National Parks tend to have. You can't hike with your dog, you're not allowed to collect firewood or antlers, you have to pay to get into the park and then pay to camp there. At one point I even saw a sign that said "Meadow Closed." How exactly does one close a meadow? Stupidist sign I'd ever seen.
But the good thing about camping in a National Park is that there is a lot of wildlife out there to see. On our first night there (Friday), a deer walked right through our campsite then lounged under a tree for maybe an hour before simply getting up and walking away. The second night there (Saturday), an entire freaking herd of elk wandered through the campground, then walked up to within 20 feet of our campsite to munch on something some bozos next door to us had left in their firepit (it was a Tazo Chai Tea package. And they were both me. You do the math.) One of the elk had two little babies with her, and they were adorable. Then, when we were heading out on Sunday morning, a moose crossed the street in front of us. Yes, a moose. I didn't even know we had those in Colorado.
Also, we have possibly the smartest dumb dog ever. He saw the deer, and nearly scared the poor thing off, and he even saw the moose from the car. But the elk? He never saw them, and when he did, he only sniffed at them for a few seconds before going back to begging for food. Silly mutt.
Mickey got pictures of the elk and the deer, which I'll probably post here when I get them from her later.
In the meantime, I wanted to post this picture I finally got from our trip to Vegas. Yes, I know it was two months ago, but I wanted to show it off earlier and couldn't find it:
You can probably barely see it, but if you look close enough, there is a Blue Man in that picture, between me and my sisters. They're creepy, cool, and very sweet all at once, and I even got a CD signed by one of them. Mickey got a set of drumsticks used in the show, and one of them signed that as well. I'll probably be going to see the show when it comes to the Pikes Peak Center later this year, that's how much I enjoyed it. I recommend the Blue Man Group to anyone, really. There wasn't a bad moment in the show!