Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Doozed and Confazed!

Man, is school getting hard! I'm finding myself with so much homework it's hard to keep up. Between the online quizzes in math class and the papers I have to write between two classes, I'm totally overwhelmed. The math quizzes wouldn't be so bad except that because I have to do them online, my computer sometimes doesn't load them correctly and therefore I can't get them all done. And I know it's my fault for taking and English class and a Journalism class, I mean, come on! How many papers can one person do?

On top of it all, I had a date on Sunday, and now the guy won't leave me alone! Yesterday I was trying to do homework for English and Math, and he kept texting me! I told him I was doing homework and he was like, "Cool. So how are you?" Now, when someone tells you they're doing homework, do you continue to ask how they're doing while they're trying to concentrate? Well, this guy does. Then he texted me while I was driving to school this morning and he texted me twice. Finally I had to text him back at a stop light and tell him I was driving and couldn't talk. Then he texted me in English class! I was like, "Dude, I'm in class!!!!" I don't mind dating the guy but now he seems to think we're a couple and it's ANNOYING! Besides which, I think I like someone else (who shall remian unnamed for the time being) alot more. UGH!!!

Kohl has been throwing up all weekend. He's made it outside and to the grass every time, but it's a little troubling. Yesterday morning, he ate it. It was nasty. I tried to stop him, but the minute I walked away he lapped it up. This morning, he sat on my keys and kept licking me. He's so cute! He actually whined when Mickey walked out the door for school this morning. It was the most pathetic little sound, and it was sooooooo cute! He was incredibly pissed off at Tinkerbelle and I yesterday because we gave him a bath yesterday in the tub and he kept looking at us like, "I hate you guys right now." Then we were trying to brush him, and there was that look again, "I soooooo hate you guys right now!" He seemed to feel alot better after his bath though, and went from sleeping to playing right after.

Tinkerbelle's boyfriend came back this morning from Indianna. He seems to be doing ok... tired, obviously, but ok. The only problem with him being back is that he distracts Tinkerbelle from doing her homework and studying. The second time she failed her real estate test was when he came back the first time and she spent all her time up at his house NOT studying. Her problem is, she lets the guys distract her...

With so much going on, I'm so stressed out I haven't been sleeping well. I'm so tired right now, that I can barely concentrate and this blog post probably makes no sense and jumps around like a grasshopper on crack! Oh, well. I have more quizzes to do. Hopefully the internet decides to be my friend today and lets me access them. Ciao, my pretties!!!