Friday, March 6, 2009


So I got my grant check a few weeks ago, and I've since been looking for a bank to deposit it into. I was using Ent, but there was a little problem with me overdrawing....

Anyway, I finally went to the bank today and started an account, so I officially have money now. Woo! Exciting, huh?

I guess Kohl was a bad dog all day today. He started out ok, and when my parents came home from the grocery store, he followed them in and out of the house while they were unloading the car. No leash or anything! But then when Poppa went outside to get the mail, Kohl followed him, and promptly ran full speed up the hill toward the nearest intersection. Poppa jumped into the car and followed him, quickly pulling him back inside. Then Kohl got into the trash and tore apart some... womanly items... from inside. Yeah, I'm sure you get my drift. Needless to say, my parents were not happy.

When we first got Kohl, they blocked off the side of the house in the backyard by stacking two benches on their sides against the wall so Kohl wouldn't fall into the window well of the basement. Plus, we keep tools and things back there, and he just shouldn't be getting into those things. Anyway, lately he's been very curious as to what's back there and has recently attemted several times to jump over the benches. Usually one of us catches him, but not this time. He got over to the side of the house, and then couldn't get back over the benches, which is strange because on any other day he can jump like, four feet. So yeah, my parents haven't been too happy with him all day.

Also, I was one of the best dancers in class today!!! YAY!!!!!

So it's been a good day, and hopefully I'll sleep well tonight. I haven't been lately...stress from school. Oh, well. Gotta go! Bye!