I'm actually in a relatively good mood today, concidering how I've felt all week. I guess it was only a matter of time before I actually woke up earlier than 10:00 and felt good after doing so. I haven't been blogging much lately because I haven't really had much to talk about, but I'm bored and I decided to recap what happened this weekend while I'm waiting for a phone call.
So pretty much, on Saturday, the guy I'm dating invited all of us over to his place for dinner and a movie. Tinkerbelle didn't go because she had to work and then wasn't feeling well afterwards, so she didn't come. He made the BEST hamburgers I've ever had, and then Poppa promptly got a phone call from my uncle. Apparently he'd found a TV for sale and wanted help to go pick it up. Mind you, it was almost 8:00 in the evening before he even called, and we were up till around 10:00 moving the damn thing. I think my aunt gets bored and starts shopping on craigslist or something at aroung 7, and that's where she found the TV. Although, it seemed to me like the people selling the TV didn't think anyone would come to pick it up until Sunday morning. Nope. Eight of us showed up on their doorstep and tried to squeeze into their dingy little apartment to move the TV. Momma, Mickey and I stayed outside the apartment in the hallway once we saw how nasty it was in there. Plus, I could smell the cats almost as soon as the lady opened the door, and my alergies flared up. How Poppa stayed in there with his alergies, I have no idea.
While they were moving the TV onto the dolly (or "wheeler" as Poppa calls it. He says "dolly" sounds too girly), very loudly I might add, a moth flew in through an open window in the hall that had no screen. Now, for anyone who doesn't know me, my fear of moths is incredibly large. So much so that I've actually gone into hyperventilation when I was in a van with one and no one would open a window to let it out. The stupid creature flew across the window, looking for a place to get back outside to a street lamp giving off lots of light. It pounded it wings all the way across the window (a sound I really hate, by the way) and reached the other side, where it promptly flew outside, back inside, and right.....at......ME! What the hell! Can the damn things sense my fear or something and think it's funny to fly at me? Momma laughed as I ran down the stairs to get away from it, and I thought she was going to pass out from laughing so hard.
Now I should mention, for clarification, that my aunt and cousin are absolutely NO help when moving. It wouldn't be so bad moving with my uncle if he didn't freak out at the smallest things. Luckily Poppa had Danny there, so he could help. Poppa's been a truck driver for the batter half of 10 years, and he knows how to load and maneuver a dolly. Danny is a mechanic for a trucking company, and he also knows how to load and maneuver a dolly. But when you've got my aunt and cousin there, nothing ever goes smoothly. Both are better at what I call "supervision" than actual work. They stand on the sidelines and tell everyone what's going wrong rather than acutally helping. Granted, I wasn't helping to move the TV. Rather, I was avoiding the moth from HELL! But I don't go around telling people what they're doing wrong without trying to do it myself. Poppa told me to stay out of the way, and I did. I didn't even say a word to them.
Now remember, it was about 9:30 at night and we were in an apartment complex. A crappy apartment complex, but an apartment complex nonetheless. People had children and were trying to sleep, and my aunt and cousin are talking at the top of their voices. They woke a baby in the apartment across from the building we had just come from. The guy inside was not happy, either. After some maneuvering and screaming (what part of "quiet time starts at 9" don't those people understand?), we got the TV into their van. We then had to follow them to their house to unload the TV. Easier, right? Wrong.
First of all, their house is like a moth magnet. Every moth in the world seems to congregate there. Second of all, my aunt is completely unsympathetic toward my irrational fear. My family thinks it's stupid but they'll get rid of the moths for me. Luckily Danny was there and he kept catching them and tossing them outside. Of course there was some teasing. He acted like he was going to toss one at me, for example. So while they were unloading the TV, I was playing a lovely game of "dodge the moth" (there's sarcasm there, by the way). Then my aunt gave us all cookies for helping out, and afterward, I got an awful stomachache. Usually she's such a good cook, but this time the cookies didn't agree with me AT ALL!
We wound up dropping Momma off at home and the rest of us went back to Danny's place to watch a movie. On the drive back home afterwards, I realized just how silly Poppa gets when he's tired.
So, fun, right? As much as I love my extended family, I sometimes just want to kill them. But that's family, right?
And as for moths: They all deserve to die firey deaths! Death to the moths!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Posted by ElphabaWickedGal at 9:21 AM
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