Okay, so we have Comcast as a cable provider. So far, I've been nothing but upset with them in the way they provide service. Both for the tv and for the internet. My internet will just randomly shut down for no reason, when I'm literally ten feet away from the browser thingy. And lately the signal for our cable has decided to cut in and out for no reason. It's annoying when you're watching tv and suddenly have no picture, or a picture that's all blocky and weird.
And now we find out that we're going to need a box for EVERY SINGLE TV IN THE HOUSE if we wanna keep our cable connection.
The reason we even got cable is because the dish required each television to have a box hooked up to it that we had to pay for. We couldn't afford it. And without cable or satellite dish, we literally get no tv service because of the fact that all tv's went to digital signals. Now Comcast has decided to screw every one of their customers over and REQUIRE them to have a box for every single tv, each costing at least an extra $10 a month. Which we can't afford.
I have a good idea! Let's make people pay more for their bills, but pay them less when they work! Isn't that an awesome idea?? Isn't it?
God Almighty, I really hate the way people think nowadays. If Comcast thinks they're going to keep customers outside of the people they pay to have the damn service, they're freaking retarded. Every single one of them. And yes, I do lump my cousin and uncle into that group, because they work for Comcast and are justifying the crappiness that is the extra charge.
I'm so pissed off right now. I like my tv. I sleep with my tv on. I watch tv every single day. And now I won't have it because we're not making enough money to pay an extra $10 a box. So guess what? I'm screwed out of a tv now.
Thank you, Comcast asses.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Comcast is Effed Up
Posted by ElphabaWickedGal at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
Happy Easter!
It's late, but a very Happy Easter to all! ^_^
I had fun yesterday, despite the fact that I was with family I don't...particularly enjoy being around. Although for some reason, my aunt seems to have some sort of aversion to baking a ham for Easter. We had...ham sandwiches, which isn't really...Easter dinner, in my opinion. My boyfriend came over too, though he came a bit later because he got home late from paintballing with his friends. I was in my church choir, and he chose paintballing over me. lol, I'm just kidding!! Anyway, he came later than the rest of us. I told them he'd be there, but my aunt had us all start eating anyway...without him. Kinda rude, in my opinion (apparently I have alot of opinions today...), but oh well.
Then we played video games till it was time to leave. Fun, fun.
Then we came home and watched the Informant. I kinda...fell asleep during the movie, but that's only because I'd gotten a crappy night's sleep the day before and had to wake up early yesterday morning for church. I slept REALLY well last night, though.
Oh yes, and we found out Kohl likes eggs.
So...that was my boring Easter. I had fun, even though I kept getting a little annoyed here and there. *shrug* It was nice for the most part.
Posted by ElphabaWickedGal at 4:44 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Shopping Adventures
So today we had to go shopping to pick up some things for us to wear on Easter Sunday tomorrow. I needed a slip to go under my white sundress (which I'm wearing onstage under some hot spotlights so Momma insisted that I get a slip so the audience didn't get to see my skivvies), and Mickey needed a new sundress altogether. So we stopped off at Ross to look at slips.
Apparently, they only come in brown.
Seriously, every single slip we looked at in Ross was brown, tan, or black. None of which go well under a WHITE sundress. So we decided to go around and look in Target. On our way out of Ross, we discovered that they literally block off the exits so that you can't get out of there without buying something. It's ridiculous. Only two registers were open, the rest lead to the exit but were blocked off with huge carts so no on could pass. So we decided to go around. And of course a line of carts is blocking the way to the exit. My parents led the way out through the entrance door, which the greeter at the front was none too happy with.
Target was a madhouse, but we managed to get a slip for my dress.
Then we decided to go to JC Penny's to pick up a sundress for Mickey and possibly find something for Momma to wear. Everything was going well until Momma took an outfit into the fitting rooms to try on. A line for the stalls was going out toward the isles it was so crowded. Luckily Momma got there before that happened. As I'm sitting there with Poppa and Mickey (Tinkerbelle was at work), I look up and watch as this boy, no older than fifteen, walks past this line of women and into the women's dressing room. He made eye contact with me and I gave him a "What the hell are you doing?" face. Shortly after, he was led out of the rooms by a woman with a walkie talkie and was telling the woman that he needed her to page his mother. She did so.
So Poppa promptly leans over to me and whispers, "It must be a bitch to be fifteen and be that lost from your mother." He didn't say it loudly, but apparently the boy heard him because he turned to look at us. Oddly enough, his "mother" was paged and he completely disappeared. I've never seen a wangster run so fast.
Shortly after, Momma came out of the dressing room (without the outfit. Apparently it didn't look good on her), and asked us who the boy was. Apparently, he had looked over the stall door at her before being escorted away by what she assumed to be security. Luckily she was dressed by the time he saw her, and she gave him her "angry mommy face."
What the kid was doing peeking over stalls? Well Momma and Poppa seem to think he was trying to get some cheap thrills over seeing women in their undies. But um...old women? Really none of the women in those stalls were under forty years of age. Apparently he had some kind of fetish, I guess I don't know.
Then we got back home and promptly went out to our fifth wheel to empty it. We may lose it to the repo guys and we wanted things like dishes and towels from inside before that happened. I lifted something wrong and now have a shooting pain in my left arm. Lovely.
So yes, those were my adventures today. Fun, no?
Posted by ElphabaWickedGal at 10:13 PM 0 comments