Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

It's late, but a very Happy Easter to all! ^_^

I had fun yesterday, despite the fact that I was with family I don't...particularly enjoy being around. Although for some reason, my aunt seems to have some sort of aversion to baking a ham for Easter. We had...ham sandwiches, which isn't really...Easter dinner, in my opinion. My boyfriend came over too, though he came a bit later because he got home late from paintballing with his friends. I was in my church choir, and he chose paintballing over me. lol, I'm just kidding!! Anyway, he came later than the rest of us. I told them he'd be there, but my aunt had us all start eating anyway...without him. Kinda rude, in my opinion (apparently I have alot of opinions today...), but oh well.

Then we played video games till it was time to leave. Fun, fun.

Then we came home and watched the Informant. I kinda...fell asleep during the movie, but that's only because I'd gotten a crappy night's sleep the day before and had to wake up early yesterday morning for church. I slept REALLY well last night, though.

Oh yes, and we found out Kohl likes eggs.

So...that was my boring Easter. I had fun, even though I kept getting a little annoyed here and there. *shrug* It was nice for the most part.