Sunday, April 19, 2009


I decided to start this post with this absolutely ADORABLE picture of Kohl that Mickey took. How she managed to get him to hold still and keep the glasses on long enough for her to snap the pic, I will never know.
When she sent this to me, she also recorded a little song called "Cool Dog." I thought it fit perfectly.
So we just got back from looking at apartments. We found some nice ones, and I found myself becoming just a little excited about the prospect of moving out of the house and on my own. Now, I'm just not comfortable with the idea at all. You see, I don't like change much, and this is a HUGE change. I mean, I've been living with my parents for almost 21 years now, and the idea of moving away scares the crap out of me! Although, the idea of moving away also opens up new opportunities. For example, my uncle in California offered to help me move out there if I decided to go to school in L.A. There's a much better theatre community out there anyway.

And speaking of theatre, I was just cast in my theatre class' production! It's the final for the class, so everyone has to participate in a 10 minute production which will be performed along side of the other classes in a huge Student Showcase on the last day of school. My class is doing a shortened version of a play called The Ugly Duckling, which is probably the exact opposite of a fairy tale. It's a comedy, and a silly one at that, and therefore I am actually playing the character of Carlo--the MALE assistant to the Prince. Yes, I am playing a man. And here's the strange part: I AM SO EXCITED!! I'm hoping someone decides to record it so I can show it off to all my friends. It's gonna be soooooo fun!