Monday, June 27, 2011

Holding the Hose

Okay, so.

Recently my parents split the cost of a tent trailer with my aunt and uncle. The thing is totally old and needs a lot of work, including pinstriping along the sides. So we bought some pinstriping and it's taken us three days, but we managed to get it done...I hope.

But today. Today I lost all semblance of sanity and made a complete ass out of myself. Today, when we were pinstriping, Tinkerbelle told me to grab hold of a hose for...some kind attachment to the trailer so that she could get under it to get the striping to look nice. I grabbed the small hose, held it up, looked over to my mother, and said with a totally serious face and a nod:

"Holding the hose!"

It sounded so ridiculous that all three of us started laughing hysterically to the point that we couldn't even stand up anymore. I had to wipe off my glasses three times because I was crying.

And I feel like a total ass for it.

It was ridiculous, and I have no idea what the hell possessed me to say such a thing in such a way. It just came out of my mouth without me even really thinking about it. Such a dirty remark...Oi.


This weekend, we're going camping. We just got back from Vegas, I just got done with jury duty, and now we're going camping. Criminey, can't we just find SOME kinda time Oh well. At least the trailer will be pinstriped and my mom and sister will have a funny story to tell about me to my relatives.
