Monday, August 24, 2009


I really hate it when Tinkerbelle is home, I've discovered. The girl is like a puppy on prozac. She is so obnoxious!

We've been moving things around the house recently. Tinkerbelle moved into the basement family room and Mickey moved into Tink's old room. Mickey's old room will become our new entertainment room, where we'll keep Poppa's desk, the TV and the game systems. Yesterday Momma and Poppa got the entertainment room painted and my uncle and cousin came over to help move the big furniture in. Today, we started putting things up on shelves and stuff.

Suddenly, Tinkerbelle is full of energy! She wants to get EVERYTHING done today, including hanging curtains, putting up pictures, hooking up every game system, cleaning out the closet, and lots more. Momma cleaned out the closet, and Tinkerbelle automatically took credit for it. I hung up all the pictures, and Tinkerbelle took credit for it. She's asked me to help her with several things in the room, which usually means I wind up doing it. But when I was trying to move the large and very bluky box holding our board games and asked for help, she stood at the top of the stairs and LAUGHED. She laughed when I almost fell down the stairs because I couldn't get the box up high enough and it kept bumping off of the stairs and knocking me over. She went to help me when I was already halfway up the stairs, then said that it was my fault that she couldn't help because I told her I didn't need it. What I had said was, "I don't need your help now. I'm halfway up. I can finish it myself." When I had asked for her help earlier she said she was busy. Busy doing what exactly? Admiring "her" handywork?

When I brought the drumset for Rockband upstairs, she was in my way. I asked, no wait, told her to move, and she turned around and said, "Well, somebody's in a pissy mood." Of course I'm in a pissy mood! You haven't done a damn thing since we started this project! You arranged your room, but had everyone else paint it and move all your crap downstairs for you! You sat around and supervised the arranging of the office. You told me where to hang pictures and handed me nails. Other than that, I'VE DONE ALL THE DAMN WORK!

It's becoming a problem for me. She's done this kind of thing my entire life. I guess I'm finally reaching my breaking point and fighting back, which is causing tention between us because she doesn't think anyone should question her "authority." The fact of the matter is, she runs this house, and I think it's time we showed her that we're not taking her crap any more. Well, I'm going to anyway. I'm getting fed up with her attitude, and she's gonna have to stop with the crap, or there's going to be a major problem between us.

I feel alot better now actually. Ranting helps emmensly.

A Long Week

I don't think I've ever been through a longer week than this last week. It was just so...slow and neverending! It was the kind of week where, when you go back to describe something you did on a Wednesday, you suddenly remember that you had done that Tuesday and you, "seriously? I just did that yesterday??"

I don't know what it is...I don't have anything to do, and that must be the cause of my frustration. Maybe it's because I can't wait for a movie that's coming out in September (seriously, I am OBSSESSED with this movie) called 9, and the excitement is making the weeks before the movie's release seem longer. Just like the last few days before Christmas, you know? When the days seem like weeks and the weeks seem like months.

Maybe it's because my frustration has gone up since joining a forum devoted to the movie, where all of the members are having angst problems that border on pathetic. My frustration is adding to my already high stress level, and making the days go by slowly.

Maybe it's because I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep since July, and my mind feels like it's going to explode because no sleep gives you more time to think about stressful things.

I honestly don't know what it is. All I know is that this last week was L-O-N-G, long! Someone save me from the bordom and the stress, please!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

School and Paint

*le gasp* School began yesterday for Mickey. We permitted her into a district 20 school, because Tinkerbelle and I went to District 11 and hated it. Plus, we all did a great job of getting the teachers at that school to hate us.

So Mickey had her first day of school yesterday. Only the freshmen came to class that day, along with a few senior class volunteers, so they could get used to the school, their classes, and their teachers without the hassles of the bigger kids there. Today was her official first day, where everyone attended, and she seemed to enjoy it, so that's good.

So, Momma and I spent all day painting Tinkerbelle's old room. Tinkerbelle moved into the basement (right outside my room), because she's started paying rent and it wasn't fair for her to live in such a small room. Mickey's taking her old room, and we're converting Mickey's old room into an office/game room. It's been a hectic few weeks getting everything moved down into the basement from Tinkerbelle's room, which now looks rather good. I will never know how Tinkerbelle shoved all of that stuff into her old room. It barely fits in the old family room!

Anyway, Momma and I spent all day painting the old room, which Tinkerbelle had painted BARNEY PURPLE shortly after we moved into this house. It was a dark color that never looked good, but she liked it, so that was ok...I guess. Of course, whenever her door was open, the entire hallway outside the room reflected the inside, turning the hallway red. So how do you paint over a dark color in Caribbean Sunshine yellow (the color of the room now)? Well, only one paint will do it, and that's the new paint from Behr, the one with the primer already mixed inside it. Let me tell you, that is good paint. Really good paint, because we thought we'd have to paint like three or four coats on just to cover up the ugly purple underneath, but it only took two, just like with regular paint on a white wall. I gotta say, I was impressed!

Now my arms hurt, though, because the ceiling in the room was alot taller than the ceilings in Tinkerbelle's new room (which I also helped to paint), so I had to go "extendo-arm" to reach the top, or drag a chair around the room behind me. I almost knocked myself out with the fan, which was running cause we were hot in that room, but other than that, it's been a good day.

Just to give you an idea of how much work we did, and how good that paint is: we went from this color to this color in one day with two coats of paint.

Behr Premium Paint: a must buy!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bad Behavior, IMO

So we went to a birthday party today for my aunt's brother. My aunt isn't actually blood related to me; she married my mom's brother. Anyway, we went to this birthday party which turned out to be really fun because it was a chance to see his wife's sister's new house (wow this is getting confusing, lol), and see all of them again.

Now, it goes without saying that since it was her brother's birthday, my aunt was going to come. She came with my uncle, cousin, and her father. Now, my aunt's mother died a few months ago, but my aunt seems to have some kind of disorder where if she's not "helping" someone she's not happy, so she's officially moved her "caring" nature onto her father. Her father is one of the sweetest men I've ever met in my life, and he's just so much fun to hang around...once you get him talking. But the problem is that my aunt seems to think he's incompetent and senile, so she's always treating him like a stupid old man who can't do anything for himself. He walks with a cane because she tells him that he needs it, but when he stays with his son, it's said he ditches the cane within a few hours and walks all over the house with no problem.

Well, we were all at this party, and one guy was barbequing. My aunt's dad said he wasn't hungry and didn't want to eat, and my aunt told hime that he had to eat something. This wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't said it like: "NO, DAD, YOU'RE EATING SOMETHING! YOU CAN'T JUST LIVE ON SCRAMBLED EGGS ALL DAY!"

I desperately wanted to say something, but I knew it would just cause an arguement between the family members and I didn't want that, so I just smiled at him and shrugged my shoulders like, "sorry, Dale."

Now, my other cousin, and my aunt's other son, is getting married in a few weeks. We got the invitation last week in the mail. So today we thought it would be a good idea to ask, since my aunt is practically paying for the wedding (which is a bad idea since she's such a cheapskate), to ask if we could bring dates. Tinkerbelle asked her, and instead of a nice explaination about how it would cost more and they would appreciate it if we didn't bring anyone else, my aunt said, "DOES THE INVITATION SAY 'GUEST' ON IT? NO! IT'S ONLY FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! THE PLATES COST $35 A PERSON, AND YOU'RE NOT BRINGING A GUEST!"

Which leads me to say this: What the hell? Ask a question nicely, and you expect a nice answer. You don't expect someone to rip your throat out and stomp on it just because you asked an honest question! And what's with the way she treats her father? That old man just sits there and does nothing because she's convinced him that he can't do anything. It's infuriating to me! At this point, he's happy just to have someone sit with him. They just leave him in a room, with a tv that's turned off, and completely ignore him!

I shouldn't be getting involved because they're not even related to me through blood, and it's not my life...but it really makes me angry.

And the way my aunt treats us, especially Tinkerbelle....that's just not right....