Monday, February 28, 2011

Game Night

Wow. I haven't updated this blog in a while. But what better way to get back into action with *drumroll*

More complaining!

We all went out on Saturday night to some area halfway between Denver and Castle Rock, where my aunt's brother and sister-in-law live, for game night. This wouldn't be so bad, except for a few things.

1. They have an extremely severly autistic daughter.
Now, I'm not one who makes fun of any kind of disability (unless it's ADD, which I think people play up bigtime), but I just don't know how to handle this kid. I have a short temper, and she goes around grabbing people's faces and ripping glasses off of your face. She also enjoys popping out of nowhere and yelling nonsense while she uses you as some sort of springboard. I don't know how I would react if she were to do something like that to me. I mean, I don't want to hit her; that would be bad. But it would most likely be my first response to something so...startling. I'm screwed if I ever have an autistic kid.

2. My cousin.
The guy apparently dictates anything the family does. If he has to work, we need to push Thanksgiving dinner back or move an entire vacation around. If he wants to see a movie, he's going to see one, curfew be damned. He's a know-it-all, who doesn't actually know it all and it makes me want to scream. He actually told Tinkerbelle on Saturday night that the reason she gets nervous on the drive between Colorado Springs and Castle Rock, along Monument Pass, isn't the slippery roads or the traffic. It's the fact that visibility is a pain. So...lemme get this straight: If that's what makes him nervous, it's what makes everyone nervous? I thought Tinkerbelle was going to go off on him and punch him in the face when he did that. Because it is the slippery roads and crappy drivers that make her nervous, not the lack of visibility. We live in a neighborhood that gets foggy while the rest of the city is sunny. We know how to drive in fog.
On top of that, he ALWAYS chooses the game for game night. And it's always some crappy game that involves art or charades, which I've discovered my family is no good at. Granted, those are the only well-known games that can be played by big groups, but they're not the only games.
To top it all off, he practically called all of the women in our family, including his own mother, stupid yesterday. What an idiot.

3. The little boy.
The autistic kid's little brother is a brat. If they read this blog, they'll probably thwap me upside the head for writing it, but it's true! The kid is a spoiled, over-protected brat who likes to steal the spotlight.

4. The time.
It's like no one in that family has a concept of how late it actually gets when the sun goes down. They all stay up late, and they all think everyone else does too. On Christmas day, we went there for game night, and I had to get up early the next morning to work. We stayed there until nearly 11 o'clock. This last time, Tink had to get up early. It was only through extreme coaxing on her part that we got out of there before 10. They originally wanted to make the night happen about 9. 9!! Luckily we moved it up to 5.

So, there you have it: four reasons why I hate game night. And I get to go to Vegas with these people. Lucky, lucky me.