Monday, August 24, 2009

A Long Week

I don't think I've ever been through a longer week than this last week. It was just so...slow and neverending! It was the kind of week where, when you go back to describe something you did on a Wednesday, you suddenly remember that you had done that Tuesday and you, "seriously? I just did that yesterday??"

I don't know what it is...I don't have anything to do, and that must be the cause of my frustration. Maybe it's because I can't wait for a movie that's coming out in September (seriously, I am OBSSESSED with this movie) called 9, and the excitement is making the weeks before the movie's release seem longer. Just like the last few days before Christmas, you know? When the days seem like weeks and the weeks seem like months.

Maybe it's because my frustration has gone up since joining a forum devoted to the movie, where all of the members are having angst problems that border on pathetic. My frustration is adding to my already high stress level, and making the days go by slowly.

Maybe it's because I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep since July, and my mind feels like it's going to explode because no sleep gives you more time to think about stressful things.

I honestly don't know what it is. All I know is that this last week was L-O-N-G, long! Someone save me from the bordom and the stress, please!!