Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Family is annoying.

OK, so apparently my boyfriend's been texting me for the last hour or so and I never recieved one of them. Suddenly, Mickey comes barrelling downstairs, yelling at me to answer my phone and that Danny has been calling all afternoon. Since I am already not in a pleasant mood, this didn't exactly help and I nearly ripped her a new one. I proceeded to try to prove to her that I didn't recieve any of the texts or calls, and she promptly told Momma, who then proceeded to repeat that Danny has been calling all afternoon and asked why I was ignoring him. I was not ignoring him, I just didn't recieve any of the texts!!

Then Poppa got home and immediately began disecting my phone (figuratively of course) to discover if I was hiding one of the texts from everyone and began asking me if I was ignoring Danny. Holy crap on a cracker, people, how many times do I hafta repeat myself???

So then, Tinkerbelle just came down. She promptly pounds -- not knocks, but effing pounds -- on my door, scaring the crap out of me, and begins screaming at me asking why I was ignoring Danny. To repeat a silly saying: HOLY EFFING CRAP ON A CRACKER!!!!!

When you live with four other people, this kind of thing is bound to happen, but this is just REDICULOUS!!